1st Grade
Teacher: Ms.Eileen Dooley
Email: edooley@blessedsacramentschool.net

Welcome to First Grade!

My name is Ms. Dooley. I am very happy to be your child’s first grade teacher this year. First grade is an exciting year filled with much growth and learning. We will be following the Common Core State Standards in all subject areas. We will be continuing with the Superkids reading program begun in kindergarten as our core reading instruction. This year the Superkids will go on many first grade adventures and your children will go along with them! They will be reading more complex text and will be engaging in the writing process. They will also be doing daily independent reading at their own individual level. Nightly homework will come home each Monday evening in a special weekly homework packet. It will also be posted on our class web site each week.

Everything that you will need to know throughout the year about our class will be posted weekly on our class web site. This includes weekly class news, homework, educational links and other important things about our class, INCLUDING SCHOOL SUPPLIES.

First Grade. Student enthusiastically raising her hand